Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Jewish Problem

As you can see from the references below, the Rothschild family, most especially Jacob Rothschild, maintain an absolute monopoly over the control and direction of Jewish scholarship and Jewish policy worldwide. Their interests in all that pertain to the State of Israel in particular are reflected in their donation of the Knesset and Supreme Court buildings, the latter of which is infamous for the widespread Masonic symbolism integrated, part and parcel, into its architecture. That includes all of the streams of Judaism and all of the studies undertaken and policy decided by the various Jewish ethnic subgroups.

"Jacob Rothschild resigned from the family's bank NM Rothschilds in 1980, started RIT Capital Partners. He is chairman of Yad Hanadiv, the Rothschild foundation, chairs the Jewish Policy Research, dedicated to promoting issues affecting Jews worldwide."

I take exception to Jacob Rothschild being referred to as a "Kabbalist" on the above site, BTW. He does not learn Kabbalah. He learns and practices sorcery, which is proscribed absolutely by Torah.

"The Yad Hanadiv [which means Hand or Fund of the Generous Benefactor (choke)] and the Baracha Foundation [which means Foundation of the Blessing (splutter)] awards fellowships annually to scholars (who hold non-tenured university positions or who will not receive tenure within a set time frame) in Jewish studies. The purpose of the fellowships is "an effort to enhance the quality of courses, instruction and research in Jewish Studies in universities throughout the world ... Fellows will spend a year in
Israel, pursuing their research projects while participating in a structured programme in their field of study. The programme will include regular meetings with a senior scholar who will be selected in consultation with the Fellow and who will serve as an academic supervisor." Upon completion of the fellowship year, the Fellows will be required to confirm that upon completion of the academic year they will resume teaching Jewish studies, at a University abroad."

Rothschild serves as chairman of
Yad Hanadiv, the Rothschild foundation which built and handed over to the State of Israel the buildings for both the Knesset and the Supreme Court. He is also President of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, an organization dedicated to cooperation in research, analysis and policy planning on issues affecting Jewish life worldwide."[3]


"Yad Hanadiv and the Beracha Foundation are offering visiting fellowships in Jewish Studies for the academic year 1998-1999. Fellowships will be awarded to teachers of Judaic studies who hold non-tenured university positions, or who will have received tenure after September 1997. The Fellows will spend the academic year in Israel, working on their own research but also meeting regularly with a senior scholar in their field.
Fellows are required to confirm that upon completion of the fellowship they will resume teaching Jewish studies at a university abroad."

These include endowments for the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls – the only hope the Jewish people have of being able to compare that which is written in the Talmud with another contemporaneous source and thus know how to sort out what is true and what is untrue in the Talmud.

The studies of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been systematically distorted and stymied. Research on the Dead Sea Scrolls is routinely farmed out to pseudo-scholars who have neither the Hebrew proficiency nor the background in Jewish studies to be able to understand the Texts properly and often have an agenda of their own that is inimical to understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls properly.

I, for one, feel much more comfortable with the Judaism found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, that of the Tzdokkim (the Saducees) than in the Pharisaic Talmud and the Rabbinic tradition which is derived from it. The Judaism of HaYachad (meaning 'those who are unified', commonly known as the Essenes and the Dead Sea Sect) resembles the Judaism of the Talmud in many way. But there are also very important divergences – and those divergences are invariably more in keeping with the Torah than is the Judaism of the Pharisees, the latter of which HaYachad unequivocally stated that they considered filled with capitulation and distortion.

The Rothschilds do not want that Judaism getting out and being practiced because the dark side of the Kabbalah is based on that which is distorted in the Talmud.

And that is precisely why I do want it to get out and around. :0)

This is not to say that all that is taught in Judaism is distortion. The Jews have, despite the onslaught, managed to maintain a surprising degree of clarity and integrity and loyalty to the ancient way, but the infiltration of Judaism by those with nefarious intentions and purposes has most definitely been partially successful and has taken its toll.


    אין סוף הוא מסרת האבות והאמהות