Saturday, July 26, 2008

I Always Thought Orion Was an Unfitting Name

I always thought that the name The Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Hebrew University was an odd name for a center devoted to precisely that subject. It hardly seemed a name that HaYachad (the Dead Sea Sect) would have approved of or a name that affords them their due respect.

I never felt comfortable with the fact that The Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls embraced and funded the research of non-Jews, specifically Christians, who could not possibly have the background to be able to fathom what they were looking at and were clearly skewing the research, which was often conducted on translations of the fragments.

I found it odd that a representative of The Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls contacted me some time ago and asked if they could integrate my research in some of their papers, but never offered to publish my work.

I always found it strange that the results of Emanuel Tov's research is published not in Israel, but by Oxford University Press and Brill Publishers.

Most of all, I wondered why the Dead Sea Scrolls were never afforded the respect they deserved and why The Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls did nothing to educate the public concerning the authenticity of the Judaism propounded in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Why, I wondered again and again, was I the only voice calling in the wilderness asserting that HaYachad (The Dead Sea Sect) were practicing a form of Judaism far truer to the original than that of the Prushim (Pharisees) and that which is written about them in the Talmud is mendacious?

Recently, it all started to make sense.

I was searching for information about Emanuel Tov. I found that he received the following award: Warburg Award, Hebrew University - 1969–1971, inter alia.

"Hmmm...Warburg", thought I. "Might there be other "Illuminati" lurking in the shadows of Dead Sea Scroll research.

And, lo and behold, it was not long before I found this:

What is Yad HaNadiv?

It's this: Yad Hanadiv Fellowship

In an effort to enhance the quality of courses, instruction and research in Jewish Studies in universities throughout the world, a Visiting Fellowship programme has been established by Yad Hanadiv and the Beracha Foundation

Jacob Rothschild... serves as chairman of
Yad Hanadiv, the Rothschild foundation which built and handed over to the State of Israel the buildings for both the Knesset and the Supreme Court. He is also President of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, an organization dedicated to cooperation in research, analysis and policy planning on issues affecting Jewish life worldwide."[3]

We have seen in my article "The Supreme Masonic Temple of the State of Israel" just what the nature of the Supreme Court Building of the State of Israel is:

And similarly, my friends, they are employing their Craft to keep the Jewish truth from you and perpetuate Rabbinic Judaism, which is based on Pharisaic Judaism, because it is upon the distortions in that tradition (which is not to say that that tradition is all distortions) that Lurianic Kabbalah is based.

I cannot begin to express in words how serious a matter it is that "an organization dedicated to cooperation in research, analysis and policy planning on issues affecting Jewish life worldwide" is funded and administered by the Rothschild family.

Suffice it to say that so long as this is the case, that which is peddled as Judaism is Craft with a smattering of true Jewish principles in order to lend an air of credence to the heresies.

Please see my writings on the subject of HaYachad (the Essenes, The Dead Sea Sect):

Someone asked me why I find exception with the name Orion.

Orion was a hunter in Greek mythology. What could be less fitting to a group of peaceful Jewish mystics? HaYachad, the Essenes or Dead Sea Sect, were begun by a group of Cohenim or Priests. They had the collective memory of the Jews being persecuted by the Greeks and desecrating the Temple deep in their psyche. They recalled when the Greeks forced the Jews to translate Torah into Greek on pain of death for the entire community for refusing and they understood the cultural havoc that would wreak in the coming generations, as Hebrew cannot be properly translated into any other language. They knew that the non-Jewish world, not possessing Hebrew and the Oral Tradition, would go far afield attempting to "interpret" a Script they could not possibly understand correctly and that matters would only become worse as further translations were carried out based on the Greek.

The Aramaic word orian or term bar orian means 'one who is literate'.

Typical of the Rothschilds who put a spin on everything they equivocated between the Aramaic word 'orian' and Orion the hunter in Greek mythology.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

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