Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Tax Cuts Coming - Heads Up, Watch Out!

With sadness, I read a number of articles in the local papers about the tax cuts that the government will be "granting" to the residents of the northern part of Israel, including Tzfat.

Like typical Israelis, who can't read a political map or understand political consequences past their own noses, they're just delighted. With their typical Manishewitz whine, they state that they are "getting what is coming to them". They government, they say, isn't doing them any favors. They don't begin to grasp just how true that is.

They all think the tax "breaks" are great. Not one of them began to understand what this portends, but at least I can relate it to you English-speakers so that you may be forewarned. I would write it in Hebrew, but none of the local papers would print it.

What they don't understand, and must, is that governments do not lose revenues.

If they allow a tax cut, they make up for the loss BIG time.

When I saw the tax cut, I knew Israel is slated for another war.

War is the way all governments create quick cash. There are other ways too, but as they are officially illegal, we'll pretend they don't exist.

It's easy enough to make it look like the other side started the war. For instance, soldiers can be placed in compromising positions too close to borders and be kidnapped...Well, you know the rest of the story.

The Israelis, being Hebrew-speakers whose English, if they speak any at all, is certainly not good enough to do research in the language, are thus cut off from major sources of information (isolating Israelis linguistically is the *real* reason why Hebrew is the national language here, BTW, *not* "a renaissance of the holy tongue"), together with the fact that they have been trained to take orders, are the most politically ignorant people in the world, and thus the most vulnerable - are most politically ignorant people in the developed world and thus the most vulnerable.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel


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