Monday, December 28, 2009


This is my YouTube site:

I don't have a TV. So, I didn't see it. I was told by people that they saw me on הלינק בערוץ 8 recently.

Evidently, they did a show on "conspiracies" and they profiled by videos on You Tube.

Do you know anything about the show? I've never watched it.

The site of ערוץ 8 is temporarily under construction and not available.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Friday, December 04, 2009

The Jewish Plan For World Domination

Hidden in plain sight.

We wrote it all out.

If you do enough digging on the net you'll find it.

Micah Chapter 4

Thursday, December 03, 2009

I Was Right About Nazi Infiltration into Israel

I received this from someone whose family is Bavarian. He wrote it to me after seeing my video: "Israel is a Nazi Enterprise/Experiment" on You Tube, which can be found on this link:

He thought I was going to give the standard Jewish self-hating schpiel. He was very surprised to hear an Israeli citizen understand that Israel (HaYesuv in those days) was infiltrated.

Moved he wrote the following to me:

After hearing that I recalled years of my family feeling sorry for the peaceful Jewish people of Israel because there is an element there that is a total opposite from the Bavarian Jews who were patriots to Bavaria and the idea of Nazis penetrating Israel in it's early years to promote Jewish Supremacism and hurt the religion and influence the weaker scared Jewish people to contribute to their demise was something that was mentioned by my family because my grandmother or great grandmother never remembered hearing about Jewish people being close to what Israel...

He didn't complete the sentence. So, I asked him to elaborate on what he meant and I asked him for permission to post what he sent me. He wrote:

"yes please because besides my family's position on Israeli military actions and small groups of American Jews who condemn the military actions of the elitist government but don't consider the potential that Nazism based ideology plays a role in it, my grandmother many times during the recurrent conflict prior to her death in 2007 said that there is no way that the elitists and settlers in the west bank represent Jewish people or their values and said that Nazis must have penetrated and brainwashed the people and their behavior because that behavior in a different way supported Nazi lies..."

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Highly Recommended Book YOU GENTILES by Maurice Samuel

This is an amazing book. I don't agree with everything he says, particularly my experience of the God of Yisrael is not gloomy, intense and demanding, yes, gloomy no, but, in the main, he is right on target. It is significant that it was written in 1924, while the world was still deeply traumatized by WWI, but had not yet experienced WWII and the State of Israel was not in existence.

This quote:

"In everything, we are destroyers--even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief... We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own." - You Gentiles, pages 152, 155, and 147.

is taken out of context by anti-Semites. I guess they are counting on the fact that most people will suffice with the quotes as they offer them to you and will not go so far as to purchase the book, or even go to the public library, and read it for themselves. Why don't you prove them wrong?

It is also important that Anarchists and "Lefists" read this, because anti-Semitism is rampant among the gentiles who call themselves Anarchists and "Leftists" and it is important that they know the difference between a Jewish and a gentile Anarchist and a Jewish and a gentile Socialist or Communist.

These are the whole quotes, without the treatcherously misleading excisions:

"Because your chief institution is the social structure inteself, it is in this that we are most manifestly destroyers. We take part in the economic struggle for existence: this necessity we share with you. But our free spiritual energies point away from this struggle, for, unlike you, we have no pleasure in it. You gentiles fight because you like to fight; we fight because we have to – and in order to win." – pg 147

"The Jew is altogether too much of a cosmopolitan - even for your internationalists." - pg. 151

"In everything we are destroyers – even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief. The very socialism and internationalism through which our choked spirit seeks utterance, which seem to threaten your way of life, are alien to our spirit's demands and needs. Your socialists and internationalist are not serious. The charm of these movements, the attraction, such as it is, which they exercise, is only in their struggle: it is the fight which draws your gentile radicals." – pg 152-3

There is more passages that the anti-Semitic detractors of this magnificent book does not dare to include in their mendaciously partial quotes.

"When the reckoning is drawn up your guilt cries to heaven: whatever have been your relations to each other, we Jews have at least been the common denominator of your brutality. Compared with each other, you are gentlemen, warriors, democracies: set side by side with us, you are bullies and cowards and mobs. Quotes such as these: In vain do your quiescent majorities wash their hands; their quiescence is their effective guilt - I care not that your minorities struck the blow: I should not acquit the majority if I could give judgement and impose punishment."
That you are unable to meet us on the spiritual level is made evident by the following: We are a disturbing influence in your life not through our own fault." - 128-129.

"Your world spins in a joyous illusion of progress; we, untouched by that illusion, destructive of your mood, stand aside, static, serious. We will be satisfied with nothing but the absolute." pg. 187

And, most importantly, let's complete the sentence and the passage that was mendaciously cut off by the anti-Semites who quotes Maurice Samuel, of blessed memory:

"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. Beyond all temporary alliances with this or that faction lies the ultimate split in nature and destiny, the enmity between the Game and God." – pg 155

And there is this:

"We dream of a world of utter justice and God-spirit, a world which whould be barren for you, devoid of all nourishment, bleak, unfriendly, unsympathetic. You do not want such a world: you are unapt for it. Seen in the dazzling light of your desires and needs our ideal is repellently morose." - 148-149

What Samuel is saying is not that the Jews are deliberate destroyers, or want to be. He is saying that we inadvertently destroy Gentile society, which is nothing but sport, pageantry and spectacle, because we demand a seriousness, a reality and a morality from life that is far greater than gentiles can ever provide and so among the gentiles we are forever trying to create moral structures that, as gentiles are not able to bear them, break under the weight of them.

One of the most remarkable things that Maurice Samuels says in his book YOU GENTILES, and which has been my experience too, to my chagrin is that the Jewish radical is no less unlike our gentile counterpart than the Orthodox traditional Jew is like a believing Xian.In both cases, our conception of righteousness, of morality, is so very much more sincere and profound as conceived by the Jew that we are wholly misunderstood.

It is not the Jewish Socialists who degraded Socialism, as it is not the Jewish Anarchists who degraded Anarchy. It was the gentile Socialists and Anarchists who made compromises with absolute justice, morality and concern for the other needed for those systems to work who degraded them.

Then the Jews were blamed for the fact that Socialism is, in practice, a totalitarian system. Gentiles made it so, not we.

It is very interesting too, how often the word 'alien' is used in this book in the sense of one who is a stranger. Since this book is one of the classic texts that the anti-Semites turn to for fodder with which to load their cannons against us, it may me assumed that all this recent talk of malevolent aliens from space, shapeshifting (Samuel indeed employs the word 'protean' on page 172) and infiltrating the elite is a code word for assimilated Jews.

Toward the very end of the book, Maurice Samuel, of blessed memory writes:

"...if this book offends by it assertiveness, God knows that the infinite tactfulness of thousands of other Jews seems to have offended you no less." pg. 221

Amen, my holy,beautiful and absolutely Jewish Brother

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Coming of Ben David

If HaMashiach, ben David, is to come; it will have to be that we find within ourselves not only the love of Godliness, but this:

"If You would slay the wicked, O God--depart from me therefore, you men of blood;
who utter Your Name with wicked thought, they take it for falsehood, even Your enemies--
Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate You? And do not I strive with those that rise up against You?
I hate them with utmost hatred; I count them my enemies.
Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts;
And see if there be any way in me that is grievous, and lead me in the way everlasting." - Psalms Chapter 139

Those who hate the People of Yisra'el hate the God of Yisra'el. Understand this! It is not against us that they rage. It is against HaShem. Would that they could, they would do to HaShem what they have done to us.

If the world is to be ridded of evil it will only be if the Jews recover our ability to hate evil with every fiber of our being and not to have any compassion on the wicked.

We are wrong to pray for the redemption of all peoples. Some peoples are damaged beyond redemption. This is what our Torah tells us!

It is we who had compassion on the cruel and we who suffered for that terrible mistake.

Enough! Let us pray with all of our hearts and Souls to the God of Yisrael to rid this beautiful world of evil, without compassion, without remorse.

It is a MITZVAH to hate evil! It is a MITZVAH D'OREITA! Understand this!

It was Yeshu who taught love for ones enemies.
It sounded so nice, so spiritual, so exalted. Even we Jews bought into it. It may be true that only we Jews bought it. Do you believe that the Romans or the Germanic tribes ever took that seriously?
It seemed to be an extension of ואהבת לרעך כמוך. But Torah teaches not to add and not to subtract from the teachings of Torah *as they are formulated*.

Loving one's enemies was a "teaching" from the Sitra Achra and it loosed destruction and desolation on the world.

Return, Oh My Beautiful People, to the words of the true father of HaMashiach, to David, the beloved of our King. He was loved by God more for his utmost hatred of evil than for his utmost love of God! God does not need our love, but the world needs our hatred of evil.

Understand that the God of Yisra'el does only what the People of Yisrael pray for! Know this! If we collectively pray with all of our hearts, Souls and might for the destruction of evil, God will do so, as the Rabbis have taught: "A tzaddik decrees and God fulfills."

If there is evil in this world it is only because we Jews tolerate it!
The collective prayers of the Jews, if we pray with One heart, with One resolve are powerful enough to move God to do justice once and for all. Know this!
We can will evil out of existence. This is the true meaning of every commandment to do battle in Torah. Know this!

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Yisra'el

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We have won our case against the water company, Peleg HaGalil.

The file Number is 11599-01-09

The site is:

We were awarded 3000 NIS all told, including the overcharge of the water (over 600 NIS), compensation for the time we asked for that we took to prepare the case and the mental stress that we were put under as a result of having three warnings sent to us by Peleg HaGalil. Those warnings also included, in addition of warnings that our water would be turned off, warnings of added charges, warnings to take legal action against us, warnings to withhold our income and even to seize whatever property we might own.

Small Claims Court Judge, Saab Dabur, was clearly displeased at the inappropriate language of the warnings, which I showed him in Court.

The Judge asked the representatives of Peleg HaGalil: "Is the language of these warnings legal?"

The representatives of Peleg HaGalil began to stammer that their lawyer wrote the text of the warnings.

The Judge said: "Do you think it's reasonable to threaten to take people's homes away for a few hundred shekels of water?"

We are very pleased with the outcome of the suit and think the decision of Judge Saab Dabur was most fair and equitable.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Thursday, September 24, 2009


In the most recent edition of the Tzfat Newsletter (24/9) the following appears from Yehoshua Sivan:

Item #3Swine flu vaccine scare mongering:I am amazed that you are willing to assist in the propagation of thispoppycock, which - if anyone acts on its recommendations - is only likely tocause far more illness and death in the population than would be the case ifpeople were vaccinated. Frankly, I think a Rav should be consulted beforetaking such a dangerous step !I suggest that anyone who wants to understand the issues beingscare-mongered all over the Internet by the usual band of conspiracy theorists, read:
The second is here:

and this:

Item #6

Re swine flu article:What a nasty load of nonsense! As for taking multivitamins they are ahealth hazard in themselves unless taken for a specific treatment and undermedical supervision.I do not believe that flu immunisation is compulsory inIsrael,and in fact immunisation over a number of years provides good coveragainst more than a specific year's influenza.The longer the number of yearsthe immunisation is received the better.I do hope that nobody believes therubbish in the article ,which is either a hoax or written by a certifiablelunatic.

I also sent information about the vaccines that appear in that same edition:

Item #5
This is a very important news clip. Being interviewed is Judge Andrew Napolitano. I'm sending you videos from reliable sources so that you'll know this isn't off the cuff from conspiracy theorists.

Mass. H1N1 Bill: Forcibly Remove & Vaccinate Kids, Quaranatine Adults

This is for real:

There was an article in Yediot HaAharonot in which Dr. Gabi Barbash, Director of the Ministry of Health, has said that vaccinations were "only the beginning" (verbatim translation) and that they are in the "process of organizing military preparedness to enforce the vaccination" (verbatim translation).

My comment to the article was: Mr. Barbash: The Neuremberg trials were just the beginning. (verbatim translation).

President Obama says publicly that the vaccination will not be mandatory. But calls to Alex Jones and other reporters of personnel, including medical personnel, who lost their jobs because they would not be vaccinated are pouring in.

So, we have no recourse as American citizens.

The State of MA has passed a law fining people $1000 per day for refusing to take the vaccine and the possibility of quarantine and confiscation of all personal property and assets

I'd like to bring your attention to the following videos

The man talking in this video is Kansas State Trooper Greg Evenson:


IMMUNOCONTRACEPTIVE HIDDEN IN THE FLU VACCINE SHARE LIKE WILDFIRE NOW (sept 2009) The physicians speak from two minutes into the video:

Medical personnel fired for refusing to take the vaccine:

God help us!

And also Dr. Stan Monteith:

I, personally, would prefer to die like a mensch. I'm not taking the vaccinations and have advised my pregnant Daughter fully about the dangers.

G'mar Chatima Tova L'Col Yisra'el and to all lovers of Life,

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat

Monday, September 21, 2009



Part 1

Part 2

My Daughter (who it should be mentioned is an American, as well as Israeli, citizen) told me that she had to go up in front of some kind of committee in order to get the discount for my Grandson's nursery school to which is entitled by law. My Daughter is five months pregnant. At that committee she was subjected to pressure to have an abortion after the race of her unborn baby's father was inquired into and my Daughter told them he is an American Black.

Those committees have no basis in Israeli law. She said when she got there a supervisor of the nursery schools in the area, a social worker and a nurse from the Well Baby Clinic in Rosh Pina were present.

In a subsequent telephone call to the social worker, I asked the names of all those who were present as part of this "committee". They are:
1) Rachel Daudi – Social Worker
2) Salit (?) Shachar Okhman – Supervisor of the Nursery Schools
3) Chana Zafrani – Nurse at the Well Baby Clinic in Rosh Pina

The Social Worker, Rachel Daudi, of course, hid behind the excuse of privileged information and would not give me details – except one: when I said to her that they tested my Daughter to see if she was intelligent enough for her unborn child to deserve to live and her son not to have to be the subject of a dangerous biological test (being subjected to a round of vaccinations), she did not deny this. Neither did she deny that the subject of abortion was brought up at that meeting.

The Social Worker insisted that the committee is in accordance with the law, but backed down when I insisted upon the number of that law in the Israeli law code.

They first asked her why my Grandson had not received his full course of vaccinations. The nurse said that that is "neglect".
My Daughter said: Fine, take me to court for neglect.
The nurse backed down because there is no law in Israel mandating vaccinations.
Then she began to ask my Daughter what she knows about vaccinations. My Daughter told her why she is against vaccinations.
The nurse then began to ask her about all kinds of drugs and what they do. My Daughter answered her correctly.
The nurse said that there are reactions to vaccinations only one in a million cases. My Daughter gave her the correct figures.

The nurse then got off the topic of the vaccinations. Evidently, my Daughter passed the IQ and pressure tests. What right have these people to put people before tests to determine if their children have a right to live??? Would they pass the same tests?

Then they got on the subject of my Daughter's pregnancy.
They asked my Daughter what the ethnic background of the baby's father is.
She told them he is an American Black.
The nurse said: Have you considered an abortion?
My Daughter is in her 5th month!
My Daughter was astounded and told her of stories she's heard from friends who had abortions which horrified her.
The nurse said: Nonsense! I've been present at many abortions. The baby is just water now. If you squeeze him, he'll just die. There's nothing there.
At this point my Daughter told me she felt she was going into shock but she understood that they were subjecting her to inhuman pressure to see if she would react emotionally and she stayed outwardly calm. They actually praised her at the end of this ordeal for having remained admirably self-controlled. Would they have been able to stay calm under pressure like that?

She said: I am not having an abortion! I want this baby!
The nurse kept persisting.
My Daughter kept her cool even though it was clear to her that they wanted her to "lose it" so that they would have an excuse for beginning procedures against her.
But she didn't "lose it".
At the end of the "interview" they OK'ed the discount for the nursery (which is not their business, it is a law) and also told her that she handled herself very well.

In other words: If she had known less about vaccines she would have been forced to vaccinate my Grandson and if she has lost her cool, they would have reported her as unstable and applied horrific pressure for her to have an abortion.

The nurse kept repeating that she was only interested in "the welfare of the children".

My Son, with whom my Daughter had already spoken about by the time our Daughter told us about it, as he lives nearby, was sickened. We are all acutely aware that the lives of the most innocent members of our Family were threatened.

That nurse works in the Well Baby Clinic in Rosh Pina. She claims to have 38 years of experience as a nurse. My Daughter doesn't even know her name.
But I'm going to find out her name and I'm going to blast it all over creation.

The supervisor of the nursery schools in the area and the social worker acted like they weren't in total agreement with the nurse. But why did they bring her there?

My Daughter is a single Mother and the baby's Father is Black and they knew it.

The Baby's Father is very much in the picture, wants to be a Father. My Daughter is renting space in a villa in Rosh Pina. It's one of the nicest areas in the North. She has two parents who love her and she has a Grandmother, who at the age of 83 just travelled a long distance to see her and helps her as much as she can.

By Daughter doesn't take drugs, drink or smoke.

Her IQ was tested as being about 140.

My Grandson is considered a gifted child and has already come to the attention of the school system which is deciding which program for gifted children to put him into because he's multi-talented.

More vaccinations could destroy him. He had his post natal Vitamin K shot, polio, diptheria, small pox. My Daughter did not give him the MMR because it's the most dangerous and lest necessary.

We know full well about the Thimerosal and the Squalene and the Immunocontracptives in the "vaccines". We know full was about the adjuvents. We know that A H1N1 is an engineered chimera of the Spanish Flu, Bird Flu and Swine Flu viruses. We know that there is a patent on that virus and that it is classified as a bioweapon. So, we understand full well the threat to his life that my Grandson was subjected to.

There is no doubt about the fact that my Daughter was being subjected to an ad hoc intelligence and emotional control test that if she would have failed, in their opinion, her child would have been attacked with a bioweapon and her unborn child would have had his life terminated before it even began.

If you could suggest individuals and organizations, including lawyers, to whom I might send this, I'd be very appreciative.

You are most welcome to disseminate it, as is, without any change whatsoever.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Sunday, September 20, 2009


My Daughter told me that she had to go up in front of some kind of committee in order to get the discount for my Grandson's nursery school to which is entitled by law. Those committees have no basis in Israeli law. She said when she got there the supervisor of the nursery schools in the area, a social worker and a nurse from the Well Baby Clinic in Rosh Pina were present.

They first asked her why my Grandson had not received his full course of vaccinations. The nurse said that that is "neglect".
My Daughter said: Fine, take me to court for neglect.
The nurse backed down because there is no law in Israel mandating vaccinations.
Then she began to ask my Daughter what she knows about vaccinations. My Daughter told her why she is against vaccinations.
The nurse then began to ask her about all kinds of drugs and what they do. My Daughter answered her correctly.
The nurse said that there are reactions to vaccinations only one in a million cases. My Daughter gave her the correct figures.

The nurse then got off the topic of the vaccinations. Evidently, my Daughter passed the IQ and pressure tests.

Then they got on the subject of my Daughter's pregnancy.
They asked my Daughter what the ethnic background of the baby's father is.
She told them he is an American Black.
The nurse said: Have you considered an abortion?
My Daughter is in her 5th month!
My Daughter was astounded and told her of stories she's heard from friends who had abortions which horrified her.
The nurse said: Nonsense! I've been present at many abortions. The baby is just water now. If you squeeze him, he'll just die. There's nothing there.
At this point my Daughter told me she felt she was going into shock.

She said: I am not having an abortion! I want this baby!
The nurse kept persisting.
My Daughter kept her cool even though it was clear to her that they wanted her to lose it so that they would have an excuse for beginning procedures against her.
But she didn't lose it.
At the end of the "interview" they OK'ed the discount for the nursery (which is not their business, it is a law) and also told her that she handled herself very well.

In other words: If she had known less about vaccines she would have been forced to vaccinate my Grandson and if she has lost her cool, they would have reported her as unstable and applied horrific pressure for her to have an abortion.

The nurse kept repeating that she was only interested in "the welfare of the children".

My Son, with whom my Daughter had already spoken about it as he lives nearby, was sickened.

That nurse works in the Well Baby Clinic in Rosh Pina. She claims to have 38 years of experience as a nurse. My Daughter doesn't even know her name.
But I'm going to find out her name and I'm going to blast it all over creation.

The supervisor of the nursery schools in the area and the social worker acted like they weren't in total agreement with the nurse. But why did they bring her there?

My Daughter is a single Mother and the baby's Father is Black and they knew it.

The Baby's Father is very much in the picture, wants to be a Father. My Daughter is renting space in a villa in Rosh Pina. It's one of the nicest areas in the North. She has two parents who love her and she has a Grandmother, who at the age of 83 just travelled a long distance to see her and helps her as much as she can.

By Daughter doesn't take drugs, drink or smoke.

Her IQ was tested as being about 140.

My Grandson is considered a gifted child and has already come to the attention of the school system which is deciding which program for gifted children to put him into because he's multi-talented.

More vaccinations could destroy him. He had his post natal Vitamin K shot, polio, diptheria, small pox. My Daughter did not give him the MMR because it's the most dangerous and lest necessary.

There is no doubt about the fact that my Daughter was being administered an ad hoc intelligence and emotional control test that if she would have failed, in their opinion, her child would have been attacked with a bioweapon and her unborn child would have had his life terminated before it even began.

That nurse just made herself a bad friend in me.

If you could suggest individuals and organizations to whom I might send this, I'd be very appreciative.

You are most welcome to disseminate it, as is, without any change whatsoever.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

There's a Permanent Immunocontraceptive in the Swine flu Vaccine

Please watch this video.

This information is from some of the most respected medical researchers in the world.

The first two minutes are unnecessary.

Listen to what the doctors have to say.

Take a look at the links in the sidebar.

This will make the information in the IMMUNOCONTRACEPTIVE HIDDEN IN THE FLU VACCINE video clearer.

Doreen Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Monday, August 17, 2009

Who Are the Zionists?

When Rothschild and Co(horts) intended to build Tel Aviv they turned to the three communities that lived in Yaffo at the time with tempting lured: the Arabs, the Jews and a community of Germans who lived in Yaffo. When Tel Aviv was built the Germans got the choicest jobs and were installed in the government positions.

They settled an area called Sharona (or Sarona), which is now called HaKirya. It is the governmental hub of Tel Aviv. There are also important military offices there.

I checked into just who those Germans were. They were, and are, antinomians. They called themselves Templers.

These same Germans later supported Hitler. See here:,_Palestine

"Templers are members of the Temple Society (German: Tempelgesellschaft), a German Protestant sect with roots in the Pietist movement of the Lutheran Church. The Templers were expelled from the church in 1858 because of their millennial beliefs. Their aim was to realize the apocalyptic visions of the prophets of Israel in the Holy Land. [1] Membership in the Temple Society today is about 1000 members."

I'll copy that again: "Their aim was to realize the apocalyptic visions of the prophets of Israel in the Holy Land."

Those were the people installed at the top of the government and military structure in Tel Aviv.

And take a look at this:

Sarona, the Kirya in Tel Aviv was founded by the Templars

In Palestina:

The first fruits to carry the "Jaffa orange" brand were from an agricultural colony of the Temple Society in Sarona(commonly pronounced Sharona, est. 1871). Sarona I greet you with heart and handI greet your citizens that live thereYou beloved piece of home in the Holy landYou ornament of Germanic Strength

I told you the top ranks of the Zionist establishment are not Jews.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Sunday, August 16, 2009

ה"חיסון נגד השפעת" הוא הוירוס

!נא להפיץ

דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת

Thursday, August 13, 2009

צו מניעה של שופט באמריקה לעצור את החיסון הכפוי

30 שנה אחרי שהחיסון הכפוי היה לחוק בארה"ב:
בית משפט באמריקה הוציא צו מניעה לעצור זאת וקובע –
ממשלת ארה"ב וחברות התרופות נושאות באחריות לתוצאות.

יום רביעי, ה-12/08/09: צו מניעה מיקדמי לעצור את כפיית החיסון הוצא בבית המשפט המחוזי-פדראלי של ניו ג'רזי. זה בא אחרי שטים ואוטר, שייצג את עצמו, הגיש ב-31/07/09 תביעה פדראלית המתנגדת לכפיית החיסון, בה הממשלה הפדראלית היא הנתבעת. חתימת השופט על צו המניעה המיקדמי תאסור על הממשלה הפדראלית את אילוצו של אדם כלשהו, בכל מצב, להתחסן מפני שפעת נגד רצונו. היא גם תמנע מכל ממשלה, מקומית או מדינתית, לחסן בכפייה מישהו, ותאסור שלילת שירות או זכות חוקתית אחרת מאדם שלא התחסן. טים ואוטר הגיש, בצד התלונה, גם כמה דפים של עדויות להצגה בפני בית המשפט.

המסמכים בכתב התביעה של טים ואוטר נכתבו לא רק לצורכי הגשה לבית המשפט האמריקני אלא גם כדי להפיץ אותם בין פעילים ברחבי העולם ולספק להם רעיונות בדבר הגשת כתבי תביעה דומים במדינותיהם ולעצור את אילוץ החיסון. טים ואוטר מאמין כי ככל שתתפשט האמת בדבר הסכנות הכרוכות בחיסון, תצליח בסופו של דבר חסימת אילוץ החיסון בקנה מידה עולמי. הוא מזהיר את האנשים – אין לפחד, יש להתמקד במשימת החסימה של אילוץ החיסון.

צו מניעה מיקדמי יעצור מיידית את חובת החיסון בכל מדינות ארה"ב.

בית המשפט, אחרי ששמע את ההצעה לצו המניעה וקרא את המסמכים התומכים בה, קובע בצו המניעה כי הממשלה הפדראלית היתה מעורבת בהתרשלות רבה – היא נכשלה בביצוע חקירה הולמת של בטיחות התחסין המיועד לשימוש בסוף שנה זאת וב-2010, והעדויות שנמסרו מצדיקות חקירה מעמיקה יותר בעניין בטיחותו של התחסין נגד שפעת.

בית המשפט הורה: אסור לממשלה לקבוע כי אדם כלשהו נדרש לקבל חיסון נגד שפעת, אלא מרצונו החופשי. הממשלה הפדראלית לא תרשה לאיזו ממשלה, מקומית או מדינתית, או לאיזו קבוצה, לקבוע כי אדם כלשהו נדרש לקבל חיסון נגד שפעת אלא מרצונו החופשי.

ממשלת ארה"ב נתבעת על התרשלות רבתי ועל הפרת החוקה.

במסגרת עילת התביעה טען ואוטר כי הממשלה הפדראלית התרשלה כאשר מימנה וקידמה תחסינים שלגביהם הוכח כי סכנתם מרובה והפיקוח על ייצורם רופף. התחסינים, שנועדו להימסר בסוף 2009 וב-2010, מכילים מתכות כבדות ובתוכם תרכובת כספית (Thimerosal mercury), שהוכחה כחומר הגורם לאוטיזם בילדים שמערכת החיסון שלהם הוחלשה, וחומרים מסוכנים אחרים. ממשלת ארה"ב הכריזה כי היא תאלץ את הציבור האמריקני לקבל תחסינים אלה נגד שפעת, גם נגד רצונם, במסמך חתום בידי השרה לבריאות ולשירותי אנוש, קתלין סבליוס.

הוא המשיך וטען כי יצרני התחסינים עומדים לעשות קופה של מיליארדי דולרים ממכירת התחסינים, ומוציאים כבר כעת מיליונים במסע פרסום של "מגפה עולמית בדרגה 6" אשר, על פי העדויות, איננה קיימת במציאות. הממשלה הפדראלית לא דרשה מארגון הבריאות העולמי (WHO) להציג עדויות המאשרות מגפה עולמית כנ"ל. לא נאספו עובדות, לא נגבו עדויות בשבועה, לא נחקרו עדים, לא נערך שימוע ולא נבחנו גלאים לפני שהוצאו ההכרזות השערורייתיות. ארגון הבריאות העולמי הכריז על "מגפת שפעת בדרגה 6" מסיבית, אף כי רק כמה מאות נפטרו ממנה בכל העולם, בעוד רבים יותר מתים כל שנה משפעת רגילה.

ואוטר הצביע על מספר רב של עדויות לפיהן הממשלה הפדראלית נכשלה בהכשרה מועטת מדי של המועסקים על ידה, עד כי הם אימצו בלהיטות את הקביעה הבלתי מבוססת של WHO על אף ריבוי עדויות המראות ההפך.

אילוץ להתחסנות מפר את התיקון הרביעי לחוקה בהתירו לסוכני הממשלה להיכנס לבתים ולהכריח אנשים להתחסן, או להעביר אנשים בכוח למקום אחר לצורך חיסונם. הוא מפר גם את התיקון החמישי לחוקה בשלילת חירותם של אנשים ללא הליך משפטי תקין.

ואוטר טען כי הממשלה הפדראלית התרשלה חמורות בהתיחסות בלתי נאותה אל ממצאים עובדתיים שנחקרו במשך שנים רבות ע"י מקצועני בריאות מוערכים, ולפיהם הוכח כי החיסונים נגד שפעת כרוכים בתופעות לואי שגרמו נזקים כבדים למטופלים. המרכז לבקרת מחלות (CDC) הודיע כי תרכובת הכספית הנ"ל אמנם מוספת לתחסיני השפעת הנמצאים בהכנה כיום.

הממשלה נכשלה בחקירת הספסרות. צפי הכנסות של מיליארדי דולרים במכירת תרופות עלול להביא ארגונים להצגת איומי-שוא שיגרמו להיסטריה המונית בלתי מוצדקת המובילה לחיסונים כפויים.

הממשלה נושאת באחריות לרשלנות קשה כי מועסקיה נכשלו לחקור כיאות אירוע בו מארז נגיפים חיים של שפעת החזירים השתחרר. אחת מהחברות העיקריות הקשורות לפעילות הממשלתית, "באקסטר(Baxter) תחסינים", היתה מעורבת במשלוח נגיפים חיים של (גם) שפעת העופות (וגם שפעת ספרדית שגרמה למגיפה אחרי מלחמת העולם הראשונה) שהשתחרר ברכבת מלאת אדם לפני חודשים מספר. טכנאי המעבדה הקשורה ל"המרכז הלאומי לשפעת" בג'נבה, שוויץ, נסע לציריך כדי לקבל שמונה בקבוקונים, בהם חמישה מלאים בנגיפי H1N1 (שפעת החזירים). אולם הקרח היבש כשל, הלחץ הפנימי התגבר והבקבוקונים התפוצצו כשהרכבת נכנסה לתחנה סואנת.

העיתון הבריטי הנודע "The Telegraph" מסר ב-02/07/09 כי תחסין שפעת שנוסה על חסרי-בית גרם למותם של 21 מהם.

ואוטר טען כי קיים שפע של עדויות לפיהן אין הממשלה מתכוונת לספק למתחסנים את רשימת רכיבי התחסין, ואת השפעות הלואי השליליות העלולות להיגרם, לפני מתן החיסון. מרבית הציבור לא יידעו כי התחסין מכיל כספית, דהיינו:Thimerosal mercury.

ואוטר בקש צו-שופט שיאלץ את הממשלה לפרסם את רכיבי התחסין ואת השפעות הלואי שלו, ולספק מידע זה לכל המתכוון לקבל חיסון נגד שפעת – לפחות שלושה ימים בטרם מתן החיסון. התעלמות מצו-שופט זה היא הפרת זכות התובע: תביעה שהממשלה תציית לתיקון הראשון לחוקת ארה"ב בדרישה שתתחבר לחופש הדיבור. לפי התיקון הראשון אזרח זכאי לביטוי חופשי וגם לקבלת ביטוי ממשלתי חופשי – כשהיא מקדמת שימוש בעניין כמו חיסון ציבורי.

הכרזת הממשלה כי 'לא יוכל אדם שנפגע מהתחסין לתבוע אותה בגין נזקיו', היא עקיפה גמורה של הקונגרס ומערכת המשפט והפרת התיקון השביעי לחוקה המעניק זכות לתביעת נזיקין. ואוטר בקש צו-שופט שיחשיב כנוגדי-חוקה כל הכרזה, תקנה או חוק דומה שיאסרו על אנשים תביעות נזיקין הנובעות מהתחסין של 2009 – 2010.

למידע נוסף:

נא להפיץ!

מתורגם ע"י דניאל דותן, צפת

Sunday, August 09, 2009

The Tavistock-Israel Connection

I'm finding page after page, site after site in Hebrew that links Israeli psycho-social services with TAVISTOCK.

Many Israeli psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers are Tavistock trained.

This OFEK seems to be a major contact point:



This has devastating consequences for both Israelis and Palestinians because TAVISTOCK is the world's most advance facility specializing in trauma based mind and societal control.

If we know this, we become less likely to be victimized.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Before You Take the Flu Shot Please See This So That You Can Make an Informed Decision

Most of this information is not available in Hebrew. If it is of concern to you, please translate it into Hebrew if you can and disseminate it widely.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Thursday, July 30, 2009

קריאה נחרצת לכל דוברי עברית ואנגלית

מעט מאד מידע על הסכנה הקטלנית של "חסון" השפעת מתורגם לעברית.

יש הרבה מידע באנגלית בהרבה אתרים.

ממשלת ישראל מעבירה חוק להכריח את הצבור לקחת את ה"חוסן" נגד השפעת.

זה לא חסון - זה הוירוס עצמו.

בקריאה נחרצת אני מתחננת לכל מי שיכול להבין אנגלית ללמוד את הענין בעצצכם, במיוחד המחקר של העתונאית האוסטרית JANE BURGERMEISTER ולהפיץ הזהרה לדוברי עברית חד לשוניים בכל פורום, כל אתר, כל בלוג, כל אתר אפשרי.

כל ה"חסונים" ששלחו לאוסטריה ולצ'כיה היו מזוהמים.

הוירוס שבזריקות עשוי במעבדה. הוא הרכבה של השפעת הספרדית שגרמה להרבה אנשים למות אחרי מלחמת העולם הראשונה, שפעת החזירים ושפעת העופות.

הוא הרג 63% של האנשים בסין שקבלו את ה"חסון".

אנא, תחמדו את הענין ולהזהיר את הישראלים שדוברים רק עברית.

הם מתכוונים להשתמש בצבא להכריח אנשים לקחת את ה"חסון" ואף לפתוח מחני רכוז. ראו זאת ב-FOX NEWS:

דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

תגובתי לשלטון הרשע והפשע

אני לא יודעת אם הם יפרסמו תגובה למאמר :,7340,L-3753955,00.html

שלי. אך ברצוני שאתם תדעו מה עמדתי.

שלטון הרשע קיים מפני *אנחנו מיחסים לו ממשות, אנחנו רוכשים לכלומניקים המנוונים בכנסת כבוד, אנחנו מוותרים על הכח שלנו ומעבירים אותו לקטנים מאתנו*.

הבינו זאת!

הם יודעים כי אין להם שום מנדט טבעי או של צדק להשתלט עלינו.

הם הופכים לרודנים כי כל פעם כשהם נוהגים כלפינו בברוטאליות וחוצפה אנו מקבלים את זה כזכותם וכמובן מעליו שהם בעלי הון וכח ואנו פיונים.

אין לשלטון שום כח שאנו לא וותרנו עליו. אין להם שום כסף של פרי עמלנו.
הבינו גם זאת!

כשאנו מתגברים על הפחד ללכת לכלא אם לא נעשה את הבלתי נסבל שהם דורשים מאתנו וכאשר אנו לא משקשקים מהמונחים: כגון: כלא, משטרה, ענויים, וכו', שהם משתמשים בהם להטיל עלינו אימה ולהכניע אותנו - אנו יוצאים לחופש.

ואל אפילו תנסו להשתמש במונח :"הסתה" עלי. אני לא פוחדת מהשלטון. זאת תהיה לי זכות להכלא למען הצדק ולהעשות אייקון לכל אוהבי חופש וצדק בעולם.

שלטון הרשע והפשע רק יכול לפגוע. הם אינם מסוגלים לעשות טוב וצדק ולהוביל את האזרחים למלוא הפוטנציאל שלהם. זה לא כח. זה פתטיות.

את הכבוד של יהודים אמיתיים הם לא יקבלו דרך איומים.

דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת

Sunday, July 26, 2009

ישראל איננה מדינה – היא מעבדה לנסויי אנוש

האם אין ביכולת האנשים לראות את האמת בסיפור האם ממאה שערים הנאשמת בתסמונת מינכהאוזן בהשלכה ([Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy [MSBP) ובהרעבת הילד שלה? האם אין הם רואים כי לפנינו ניסוי שנכשל, ועליה מדביקים את התוצאה המחרידה?

מאז הגיעו לארצנו בשנות ה-20 הפסיכיאטרים שאומנו ע"י הגרמנים, פלשתינה (אח"כ "ישראל") נעשתה מעבדת-שדה גדולה לניסויי אנוש. קיראו על כך בספרה של רקפת זלשיק עד נפש (הקיבוץ המאוחד, 2008).

אני משוכנעת כי מנגלה עצמו פעל בא"י. היה פה "דר' מנדס" שסחר בילדים ובנשים הרות בני תימן וערך עליהם ניסויים. אשה תימנייה אחת, בחודש השמיני להריונה, נקרעה לגזרים (פשוטו כמשמעו) ועיניה נעקרו, בעוד שוטרים עוצרים בעד בני משפחתה המבועתים שלא יוכלו לחוש לעזרתה לשמע צריחותיה. אזי הוציאו את הולד מתוך רחמה. קיראו על כך ב-קול האמת – אמת ויציב מאת אהרן יצחקי.

מנגלה, כידוע, השתמש בשמות ספרדיים מאז ברח לארגנטינה.

הימלר עצמו הגיע לפלשתינה כדי לאמן את האנשים שנשלחו הנה.

הפלרת מי השתיה בישראל היא חובה בכל יישוב בן 5,000 תושבים ומעלה. הנאצים היו הראשונים שסיפקו מים מועשרים בנתרן פלורי למחנות הריכוז כדי שהאנשים שם יהיו נוחים לאילוף – וגם עקרים.

קטינים בישראל מקבלים תרופות פסיכוטרופיות האסורות לשימוש מתחת לגיל 18 במערב. תופעה זאת נפוצה במיוחד בעיר דימונה (המובילה הארצית במספר הילדים המוצאים מבתיהם ומושמים בכל מיני מוסדות – בהם גם 'סגורים', שם מפטמים אותם בתרופות) אך היא בהחלט שכיחה בכל רחבי הארץ.

מכה זאת אינה פוסחת על ילדי המדינה עשירים. לילדי העשירים בישראל נותנים "תרופות פסיכוטרופיות יוקרתיות".

מתי יתעורר העם היושב בציון???

דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Israel is Not a State - It is a Human Experimentation Laboratory

Can't people see the truth of the story of the Mother in Me'ah She'arim who is accused of MSBP and starving her child. Can't they see it's an experiment gone wrong and she is being accused of the horrific outcomes?

Since the German-trained psychiatrists who arrived in this country during the 20s, Palestine, then Israel, has been nothing but one large field laboratory for human experimentation. Read the historian Rakefet Zalaskhik's work.
I am convinced that Mengele himself worked in Palestine, now Israel.There was a Dr. Mendes who trafficked in and experimented on Yemenite children and pregnant women. One Yemenite pregnant woman, in her 8th month, was literally cut to pieces and her eyes gouged out, as her horrified family were overcome by the police so that they couldn't answer her screams for help. They then took the baby out of her womb.
It is known that Mengele used Spanish names after he escaped to Argentina.
Himmler himself arrived in Palestine to train people here.
Fluoridation of water is *mandated* in Israel in every settlement over 5000.
The Nazis first used NaF in the water supplies of concentration camps to make the population docile - and sterile.

When are the Israeli people going to wake up???

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Saturday, July 11, 2009

בראשיתה של הפסיכיאטריה בישראל עוד דיברו על השבחת גזע וזילזלו בניצולי שואה

מאת יותם פלדמן

הפסיכיאטרים היהודים שבאו מגרמניה בשנות ה-30 הביאו איתם את התורה האויגנית על השבחת הגזע, והנהיגו טיפולים קשים בהלם חשמלי, הזרקת אינסולין ואף לובוטומיה. בשנות ה-50 הם זילזלו בבעיות נפשיות של ניצולי שואה והאשימו אותם בסחטנות. מחקר חדש חושף פרק אפל על ראשית ימי הענף בארץ



Thursday, July 09, 2009

Does California Look Like Israel Now?

Yechezkel Emmanuel is Rahm Emmanuel's brother.

Look at what the US gov't has done to California.

Does this look familiar?

There is a drought here in Israel so bad in Israel that water rationing bills were just passed.

I have photos of chemtrails. Whenever the sky would fill up with rain clouds, nothing happened - no rain came. There is a plan to depopulate the Earth. We have known about it for years, have been tracking it for years. We have been warning the world about it for years. The plan is to reduce the Earth's population to half a billion people. It's now begun in force.

Georgia Guidestones
Codex Alimentarius

Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

A Canadian physician has just come out in full defense of her Claim.

Codex Alimentarius 1of4 DUE 31ST DECEMBER 2009 NWO Depopulation Plan – by Dr. Rina Labow, wife of US Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III

This is for real. This is not a hoax. Understand that government look at us as nothing more than herds. And as farmers cull their herds to bring up their value, so humans are culled: wars, famine – and now bio-terrorism.

Please get this message out to as many Israelis as you can:
WAKE UP! This is not "conspiracy theory". This is scientific and business fact. Charges have been filed." The simple fact is: Our governments see as as nothing but livestock. Farmers cull their herds to push the price of them up. Humans too are culled by Corporate Fascist Governments through war, famine - now bioterrorism.

You have been been told the truth about the flu shot. If you choose to take a flu shot, you do so at your own risk.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

Barak Obama owns stock in Baxter.

Here is an interview with her:

IMPORTANT Jane Burgermeister interview PART 1/4 SWINE FLU

A Canadian physician is backing her suit:

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Monday, July 06, 2009


Are any Israelis even aware of this???

Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

Here is an interview with her:

IMPORTANT Jane Burgermeister interview PART 1/4 SWINE FLU

There is no paranoia anymore, folks. They really are out to get us. Paranoia has been permanently cured.

Israel better take a look into Codex Alimentarius as well and understand what the purpose of it is.

And they need to take a look at the Georgia Guide Stones. Read the first declaration. Read it again, until the reality sinks in.

And, yes, the Israeli gov't is cooperating with this.


Doreen Dotan Interviewed by Greg Szymanski About SW Corruption in Israel

No holds barred interview in which I expose Social Work corruption in Israel and the Masonic agenda it is part and parcel of.

The Juvenile Judge who awarded full custody to a known, convicted criminal who came to the hearing to determine fitness to parent stoned and drunk is the "honorable" Ruth ben Chanokh.

Szymanski, Arctic Beacon, Social Work, Mason, Vatican, Corruption, Child, Kidnapping, Trafficking

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Sunday, July 05, 2009


And now here are the pictures of the weird cloud formations.
See the photos of the CHEMTRAILS in the post below.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Is the Drought in Israel Natural?

The technology to create a drought exists.

The economic advantages of raising the water prices sky high after one passes the unrealistically low ration are clear. Each cubic meter that a family uses over the ration will cost them a whopping 24 NIS.

The political technique of keeping the population under control with fear is known.

So, the question is not would and could the Israeli government create a drought, but only DID they.

First I'm going to be posting photos of the CHEMTRAILS that we saw from our window.

Then I'll be posting the strange cloud formations that we photographed.

And that question needs answering.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Sunday, June 28, 2009


These Nazis take on Hebrew names so that the world will think it's Jews behind this.

Euthanasia is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN IN JEWISH LAW, even in the case of the terminally ill and those suffering, even if the patient asks to have his or her life shortened.


Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Saturday, June 27, 2009

אמנה בנושא מניעה וענישה על הפשע של רצח עם

למה ומדוע, ריבון העולמים, איש לא עשה את הדרוש עם המידע הזה – תובענה קבוצתית נגד המדינה בגין רצח עם?!

אין לאף אחד הדם?

לי יש!


Thursday, June 11, 2009


It's time the world woke up to the truth. The main target of Zionism is the Jews. Zionism is a Vatican-sponsored program of Jewish genocide.

Theodore Herzl was in cahoots with the Vatican from the very beginning.

If the Vatican has to destroy the lives of 100 or 1000 Arabs in order to demoralize one Jew by making him or her a solider, they consider it a damn good deal.

The following is an edited Version of a Report, Complaint and Petition that I sent to the United Nations.

I have recopied the interchange that I had with a representative of the Petitions Team of the UN, who was not directed to identify himself or herself and simply signed as "The Petitions Unit". The exchange is to be found at the end of my Report.

Subsequently, I sent the original Report to Vaclav Klaus, President of EU and The Czech Republic and to José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.

This edited version is for public consumption.

I want to urge anyone who is interested in resolving the Middle East conflict to disseminate this edited Report. It contains the much of the information that the Middle East conflict is being created to act as a smoke screen to conceal.

You are at liberty and welcomed to disseminate this version to whomever you like. However, it must be recopied *as is*, not edited in the slightest, and it must be attributed to me, Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan of Tzfat, Israel.


This is an edited version of the Report, Complaint and Petition that I sent to the below-named Individual and Committees of the UN on June 9, 2009. It has been edited to delete any identifying details of the victims. All of the salient points are here, but the continuity may, in some places, seem a bit interrupted because of what I had to edit out for public consumption.

To: 1) The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay
2) The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
3) The United Nations Committee against Torture
4) The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Re: Gross and Willful Human Rights Violations Against Citizen Children and their Families by the State of Israel, particularly on the part of:
1) The Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services (Current Minister, Isaac Herzog),
2) The Ministry of Health (Current Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu),
3) The Ministry of Education (Current Minister, Gideon Sa'ar)
4) The Juvenile Court System

It should be mentioned at the outset that not only the above-named individuals are guilty of the crimes I will refer to herein. These Ministries and Authorities have been involved in these crimes for approximately half a century.

One cannot get the discount for a nursery in Israel and other benefits, to which single Mothers who are not wealthy are entitled by law, without the involvement of the Social Workers. The system is set up that way. Poor and/or single parents and their children are always under observation. The Social Workers, these parents are acutely aware, can pounce on them arbitrarily at any time to collect their bounties. They trump up, or exaggerate, sometimes grossly, charges of neglect and/or abuse, place the children in institutions or, in a small minority of cases, in foster care, on the whim of their self-devised Decision Making Committees.

These failings and gross misconduct on the part of those who partake in these Committees (many thousands sit per year), which are not authorized to sit by law, are described in the below-named Reports. Not only are they not authorized by law, they are not so much as conducted in accordance with the instructions of the General Manager of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services in many, perhaps the majority, of cases.

Once institutionalized, the children are often drugged with drugs that are not approved for humans under the age of 18. This not only encourages an unholy alliance between government and the pharmaceutical industry, it also prevents the children from being clear-headed enough to be able to report the full extent of the abuse and neglect they experience in these institutions. Their partial reports and the marks on their bodies attest to the fact that the abuse is occurring.

FEAR! All but the most rich and connected parents live in constant fear of these bounty hunters. Social Workers, including Child Welfare Officers, are typically given low salaries so that the bonuses they receive on the children they place in institutions or foster care, (all the more so the money they receive from adoptions!), are particularly powerful incentives.

After I turned to the mass written and televised media in Israel with an account of the utter dysfunction of the Child Welfare System some fifteen years ago, I was "slapped" with a restraining order written by Judge Chana Slotky (not Chief Child Care Officer Chana Slotsky) not to publish anything that "might harm children" for a period of three years.

I have subsequently learned that the constant changing of a child's framework, never allowing them to feel at home or a sense of belonging or a sense of stability or a sense of predictability or a sense of familiarity or being able to form lasting bonds of friendship, never being allowed to form stable relationships with adults, never being allowed a frame of reference is TORTURE and that it can be far more devastating to the development of the child than any of the forms of abuse that are recognized as reasons for removal of children from their homes.



I was horrified to learn that matters have actually gotten worse than they were when I was a young Mother. I also learned that in the interim many families had "come out" against Social Services publicly because they had gotten so brazen they began to kidnap the children of middle class families, as well as the poor, and those people had the wherewithal and means to defend themselves and their children.

The Social Services system is now so dysfunctional that Committee after Committee has been called upon by Ministers of the Israeli government to study the problems in the system, to describe them in detail to plenums of the Knesset and to offer suggestions for remediation. The vast majority of the suggestions are never implemented. Only those parts of them that have no effect whatsoever on the general corruption are implemented, for appearances' sake.

The Reports that I will presently refer to your attention state emphatically and repeatedly that it is impossible to get justice within the system when Complaints against the Ministry of Labor and Welfare, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health, who all work hand-in-hand to harm the children in their care, are lodged. Oh, and Complaints are indeed lodged – by the library full! But as you will soon learn, not one, not a one, over a period of decades, has ever been found to be true and correct by the Ministry of Labor and Welfare, which now calls itself The Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services.

The Ministry of Education must be included in this Report, Complaint and Petition because:
1) Many of the institutions in which children are placed by the Child Welfare Officers are run by the Ministry of Education
2) There is increasing cooperation in targeting children for removal from their homes by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services and that of Education. More and more programs are being devised wherein the two work hand-in-hand - and not to the betterment of the children.
3) Teachers are answerable to Child Welfare Officers and must do whatever they are told to do by Child Welfare Officers under penalty of prosecution.
4) The nightmarish state of the educational system in Israel, including the rampant and unbridled violence in schools, including: taped and televised incidents of sexual activity between and among minor children on school premises, including rape and gang rape, create conditions in which children are indeed made into victims of violence, violence which is often mendaciously attributed to the parents, and thus liable, and likely, to fall into the clutches of "Protective Services".
5) Due to the fact that schools receive more money for Special Education than they do for ordinary classes, there is incentive to pump up the number of the children the schools claim need Special Education and treat them as such. I was personally witness to the case of a child, the son of dear friends, who was slated for Special Education after kindergarten upon entering first grade. They claimed that he was "clumsy" due to slight overweight and that his coordination was underdeveloped (an oft-used excuse to slate a perfectly normal child for Special Ed). His poor parents managed to scrape together the necessary funds to have the boy independently tested by a very highly respected Educational Psychologist far from their home, one whose opinion is not often countermanded in Committees. The boy was found to have an IQ in the 160 range. We, my Husband Daniel and I, helped our friends to go to the Supreme Court with the issue. The guilty parties were given a disapproving wave of the finger in reprimand. If true justice was perverted, at least an atrocity was averted – that time. Additionally, a dear friend of ours, a long-time kindergarten teacher, confided in us that if there aren't enough children who need Special Education to justify opening a class for the first grade, they take the perfectly normal, but lowest achievers, of the kindergarten and put them in Special Education. Clearly, all of these children will become case numbers in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services.

The role of the Israeli Ministry of Health in all these matters should be manifest. The most damnable ATROCITIES of the Ministry of Health in these matters is the rife use of psychotropic drugs on children, most of which are not approved for use in humans under the age of eighteen and, of course, the maintenance of the psychiatric wards to which children are dispatched rather nonchalantly by the Juvenile Judges.

An investigation must be carried out to determine if the Juvenile Judges are receiving "perks" or "kickbacks" for the many children they remove to institutions, foster care and psychiatric wards and, if so, what those incentives are. Nothing to this effect has been mentioned, to the best of my knowledge, in any of the reports. But there is widespread financial corruption among the Judges in Israel and it defies common sense that Social Workers get bonuses on placements and the Judges do not get "something extra".

Much media attention is devoted to Human Rights Abuses perpetrated by the overwhelmingly Jewish Israeli government against the Palestinians. I want to emphasize that this Report describes the atrocities being committed by the Israeli government against Jewish citizen children and their families.

It is also interesting that, to the best of my knowledge, no one in Israel has ever been indicted for either purchasing or producing child pornography, although the (undisclosed) names of Israelis have appeared among the names in child pornography rings that have been "busted". From what I have read, admission to those "parties" and those movies are quite pricey – certainly not in the price range of people the Social Workers usually have files on.

The above-mentioned Ministries of the State of Israel are in gross violation of the Pact devised by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1989, and to which Israel obliged itself by signing in 1991. This has been emphasized in the Report delivered to the Knesset by the Committee headed by Professor Yisrael Tzvi Gilat, which was commissioned by then Minister of Labor and Welfare, Rabbi Shlomo Benizri. The rights of the child that were specifically mentioned as being routinely and systematically violated by the Child Welfare Officers under the protection and aegis of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services are:

1) Discrimination – the overwhelming majority of children removed from their homes belong to the socio-economically weak sectors of society. Their situation is entirely remedial. But little remediation of their situation is offered.
2) Child Welfare is violated – the decisions taken in hastily, improperly and unprofessionally organized Decision Making Committees, which are not authorized by law, from which other professionals are oft-times excluded and in which minutes are never taken and recorded (they claim they are protecting the children with their secrecy) have been proved to be damaging to children's welfare.
3) Children's development, indeed their very survival, is often threatened under the conditions which prevail in government-run institutions.
4) Children's right to participation in the decisions that affect them is blithely and routinely ignored by Social Workers, who routinely do not involve either children or their parents in their freewheeling, unauthorized Decision Making Committees. Oft-times other professionals, who know the children best (teachers, psychologists, physicians, etc), do not participate either, for one reason or another. The overwhelming majority of children who are removed from their homes are not asked their opinion on the matter and are not involved in the decision-making process, even if they are quite old enough to be able to understand the situation and articulate their thoughts and feelings. I have been told by parents that Social Workers have told them that their children were consulted and did voice their opinions (those taken by the Decision Making Committees) but the parents know from what they are told by the Social Workers that that was not the decision of their child and the children themselves voice desires and thoughts on the matter of their placement that do not "jibe" with what the Social Workers claim. They usually want to remain home. Social Workers, in a word, lie – and they lie to the detriment of children, who may or may not be at risk, and to the betterment of their own incomes.

The findings of the Gilat Report, one of the most scathingly honest in its exposure and critique of Social Services, were summarily "buried".

My understanding is that as a signatory state to the Pact on the Welfare of the Child, the State of Israel is required to provide regular reports to the UN. I don't know what information, misinformation and/or disinformation might have been provided to the UN in those reports. I do know that if the truth, or even the part of the truth that those who prepared the herein-mentioned Reports dared to tell within the parameters of concern that were described to them, were known to the United Nations; Israel would be known to be committing heinous acts of human rights abuses against tens of thousands of its citizen children and their families and the Israeli Juvenile "Justice" system would be considered a rogue institution.

According to information gleaned from the Reports discussed below in the book ילדים רחוקים (Far-Removed Children, my translation), by Yaakov Eliyah;
75,000 children, that is a full 5% of the entire Jewish child citizen population of the State of Israel, 10 times more per capita than any other modern country, are either institutionalized or, in a small minority of cases, in foster homes.

One's head reels and one's stomach roils to think of the effect that this much grief and trauma is having on Israeli society.

For decades, children in Israel have been placed in institutions for various, often spurious, reasons. Today the figure is about 10,000 per year. The effects on the individual of that which has been termed "Institutionalization Syndrome" has been well-documented. Has anyone ever undertaken a study of what the effects of massively widespread "Institutionalization Syndrome" on a society might be?

Seventy-five percent of the children removed from their homes are cases of simple poverty-based neglect. I am not herein referring to gross, criminal neglect that endangers a child immediately, like the case of the Child Protection Officer from Kiryat Gat who "just forgot" (in his words) and left his one-year-old daughter locked in the family car for three hours a few days ago and which was reported in the news, because both he and his wife are Social Workers, as "something that could happen to anyone" and "like forgetting one's wallet in the car". I am speaking of the neglect that is the ineluctable product of poverty. The vast majority children who are removed from their homes by Social Services and the Juvenile Court system are not in immediate danger. They are simply from economically disadvantaged families. Fifteen percent of the children removed from their homes are said to be the victims of physical abuse. Many of these cases are unsubstantiated. All it takes to remove a child from his or her home in Israel is one anonymous phone call. Ten percent are said to be victims of sexual abuse. Many of these cases are fabrications on the part of the Social Services as well.

The most shocking revelations about the Social Services system are to be found in the Report of Professor Yisra'el Tzvi Gilat and his Committee, which was commissioned by Rabbi Shlomo Benizri, former Minister of Labor and Welfare.

Very serious findings of gross malpractice on the part of Child Welfare Officers have also been found by the commissioned Reports of:

1) Professor Vered Slonim-Nevo, School of Social Work, Ben Gurion University, published most recently in 2008.

2) Judge Saviona Rotlevy, (Former?) Vice-President of the District Court in Tel Aviv and former Juvenile Judge.

3) Prof. Rami Benbenishti, which report was undertaken under the aegis of the Brookdale Institute.

4) Professor Dan Shnitt. I should like to mention that Judge Chana Rish-Rothschild, of the Family Court in Tel Aviv, who was one of this Committee's members, was implicated in financial wrongdoings together with another Judge a couple of years ago. Though those wrongdoings were not related to her job per se, it does say that her morality can be compromised for remuneration and there is no place for character such as this in Family Court.

The findings of these Reports are routinely "buried" and the recommendations summarily ignored.

Let it be born in mind that Ministers come and go and cannot accumulate any real power over their Ministries. It is the Ministry apparatchiks, who are not replaced every four years, who are the ones who really set the policy. In investigating these matters, it is far more important to investigate the policies and actions of the General Managers of these Ministries than the Ministers. However, a Minister who is aware of gross malpractice on the part of those in his or her charge and does nothing to ameliorate the situation, and even supports them, it entirely culpable as well.

Unlike other Ministers of the then-named Ministry of Labor and Welfare who have recognized that Social Services are in gross violation of law, procedure and human decency and have investigated these matters like Ora Namir and Rabbi Shlomo Benizri; I have been told that Isaac Herzog, the current Minister of Social Affairs and Social Services, gives the Child Welfare Officers his full support. It is unlikely that he will be accused of "meddling", as Chief Child Welfare Officer for the Southern region, Shoshana Rosenfeld, accused his predecessor, Ora Namir, in my presence.

A recent, clearly toned-down, report of malpractice on the part of Social Services that deals specifically with the Chief Child Welfare Officer for Divorce Cases, one Mrs. Ronit Tzur, presented by the Committee headed by Professor Vered Slonim-Nevo, of the Ben Gurion University School of Social Work, has recommended that an independent Ombudsman be placed in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services to field the myriad Complaints that Office receives. The current Minister of Social Affairs, Isaac Herzog, and the General Manager of the Ministry, Mr. Nahum Itzkovitch, are vigorously opposing this recommendation, as is the Head of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services, Batya Artman, Esq. The recommendation, it should be noted, could at best improve the functioning of the Ministry of Labor and Welfare only to a limited extent, due to the fact that the Ombudsman cannot go against the interested actions of the Juvenile Judges. But at least it would give the Complaints received a measure of the respect they are due. Mr. Herzog, Mr. Itzkovitch and Ms. Artman will not have this. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services must deny the validity of all Complaints – for fear of being buried under the potential avalanche of their Crimes Against Humanity. Former Chief Child Welfare Officer, Miriam Faber, who is personally responsible for many of my woes after having gone on public television, is quoted as telling a plenum of the Knesset that she cannot remember one case of one child who was removed from the home and placed in their care by mistake. We can only assume, then, that it is no mistake that children are wrongly placed and their parents wrongly accused of crimes they never committed – and Mrs. Faber, inter alia, should be tried for her knowing and premeditated high crimes accordingly.

Dr. Marina Solodkin, Member of Knesset, is the one voice being heard in the Knesset unequivocally championing the cause of the tens of thousands of children who are institutionalized and in foster care who should not be and their families. It is essential that the relevant UN bodies to which this Complaint is addressed hear Dr. Solodkin's voice and clarion call for justice.

The Juvenile Courts in Israel are travesties of irregular and illegal proceedings. They are bizarre parodies of proper legal proceedings. The de rigueur lack of legal representation for parents in the Juvenile Courts is described in the above-named Reports. Judge Shlomo Nahmias, retired Juvenile Judge who used to work in the Court in Be'er Sheva, not only did not tell at least one pair of parents that I am aware of that they were entitled to any kind of legal counsel; when they asked if they could have a lawyer he said: There aren't lawyers on the other side, just Child Welfare Officers. So, it's not like it's a real Court." The way he said it was calculated to give the distinct feeling that it wouldn't be fair for the parents to have a lawyer up against the Child Welfare Officers and they were being some kind of impudent and audacious bullies for asking. In at least one case that I know of and can attest to, the record of the Court proceedings did not record much of what transpired in the Court room. It was most certainly not a verbatim account.

A generalized feeling of intimidation, fear and that the proverbial axe always hanging over one's head is intentionally cultivated by the Social Services of Israel among the poor, and now the middle class, sectors of society. Before I turned to the media, I was warned by any number of people that they would take revenge upon me. There is a generalized feeling in Israel that if you go up against the establishment, you will be marked and retaliated against. This is not only not less true of the Child Welfare Officers, it is the more so true. The people who warned me were right, but only partially. They often do not take revenge on the parents directly. They do so on the children of the parents. Who would have thought that agents of the State of Israel would destroy a child in order to "punish" an adult for imaginary infractions? It was a most rude awakening. They systematically torment children for years in retaliation against parents "going public" or "not cooperating". I WILL NOT BE SILENCED. I WILL NOT BE COWERED INTO SUBMISSION. I WILL LET THE WORLD KNOW ABOUT THE SERIAL ATROCITIES COMMMITTED BY THE STATE OF ISRAEL AGAINST BOTH ADULT AND CHILD CITIZENS ALIKE.

While the sufferings of the Palestinian population at the hands of the Israeli government are well covered in the media and generally known all over the world, no one knows of the sufferings of the targeted Jewish populations in the State of Israel.

Chana Slotsky, current Head Child Welfare Officer, can be seen from 3:25 minutes into this video intimidating parents not to "go public" with their Complaints, as so many have done recently, in desperation, after encountering nothing but denial when they turned to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services for redress. She says that the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services defends the Social Workers against the valid Complaints of the parents, which she lists:

The virtual reign of terror that is conducted by the Head of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services' legal department, Batya Artman, Esq., against any and all, within or without the system, who dare to criticize the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services, including her threats of legal action, is described in Ya'akov Eliah's book ילדים רחוקים (Far-Removed Children). Artman was a member of the Committee headed by Vered Slonim-Nevo, which presented its findings to the Knesset in 2008, and which recommends that an Ombudsman's Office be established in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services. Artman's voice thunders as a dissenting opinion in the Committee, which critiqued the work of the Child Welfare Officers in Matters of Divorce in a most, perhaps too, restrained and circumspect a manner.

I spoke very recently with a Mother from Dimona whose son was placed in the Emergency Center in Be'er Sheva. He was given Tegretol (Carbamazepine). She told me specifically that he is not epileptic. She evidently isn't aware of the other uses for Carbamazepine and one can assume from that that her son was never diagnosed with any of those other Johnny come lately "disorders" either. She said that his skin was very red and his eyes were red and bulging when he came home. This drug, I have read, has a rather long list of possible side-effects, some very serious.

The very name "Emergency Center" is calculated to make one think that the children there are in very grave and immediate danger – presumably from their parents. The parents of children placed in an "Emergency Center" are made to feel that they are the most dangerous of the dangerous, abusive parents. It should be investigated if indeed it is the parents of those children who pose the gravest and most immediate danger to them.

This same woman told me that after a hearing in Court, wherein her lawyer was present, she was told by a Social Worker: "Next time come without your lawyer." She repeated that for stress, understanding the severity of the statement, which was not posed as a suggestion.

Although the problems are endemic and exist in every town in Israel in which the Child Welfare Officers operate, the town of Dimona comes up again and again as the worst offender and I must make a special issue of this.

Dimona is located deep in the Negev Desert, far from the economic center of the country, and is beset by poverty. A large percentage of Dimona's population is the children and grandchildren of the Jews who emigrated from Morocco in the early 1950s. Those same Moroccan immigrants were they who were targeted for the radiation experiments when they were children. Today, many of them are mature parents and grandparents. Rather than receiving compensatory aid and rehabilitation, that population remains stigmatized and Israelis, unaware of the experiments, have been conditioned to attribute the radiation-caused effects that are seen in the Moroccan Jewish population to their being genetically defective.

More children, per capita, are removed from their homes in Dimona than anywhere else in the country according to a recent report issued by the then-named Ministry of Labor and Welfare. Seventeen times more children, per capita, are removed from their homes in Dimona than in the financially relatively prosperous town of Modi'in, for instance.

The current Mayor of Dimona, Mr. Meir Cohen, I have been informed, was the Principal of a school in Dimona prior to becoming Mayor. He has taken steps to integrate the departments of Education and Welfare in the town of Dimona and has thus streamlined the process of shoveling children into the maw of the Social Services system.

The name of one particular Social Worker in Dimona, Anna Bazarov, has been brought up to me by a number of informants, both professional and lay people who have had the displeasure of encounters with this Social Worker. She is a terror among those who have fallen into the Social Services system in Dimona. No one wants to be her "client" (the Hebrew word used for "client" actually means 'one who is being treated' and derives from the same radical that also means parasite, the message 'parasite' is thus driven into the consciousness of everyone who is in the Social Workers' "care" and people, in referring to themselves by this word, are thus made to think of themselves as parasites). Anna Bazarov, I have been told repeatedly, is, in a word, sadistic.

Dimona is clearly a case of an ethnic population of Jews that is specifically targeted, discriminated-against, systematically povertized, stigmatized and downtrodden and whose children are sacrificed to the Social Services and medical systems in inordinate numbers. This outrage has to end. Three generations of Moroccan Jews have suffered atrocities in the State of Israel.

I have been informed by a professional from Dimona, who wishes to remain anonymous, that in at least one institution that he knows of, psychotropic drugs have been administered to children that are not only not approved for use in humans under the age of eighteen; they do not appear on the list of the medicines approved for use in any humans by the Israeli Ministry of Health. This allegation is extremely serious and must be investigated. The person to whom I spoke was clearly afraid to give me details which might betray his identity, and said only that it is happening in one of the children's institutions in Be'er Sheva. I cannot take personal responsibility for this allegation. However, I do feel obliged to pass what I was told on to your Committees for investigation. Israel has a known and documented record of experimentation on humans (very recently a report came out on Israeli soldiers being exposed to Anthrax, unbeknownst to them), including experimentation on children (the radiation experiments carried out by the Israeli government for the American government in the 1950s on about 110,000 Sephardi children is well-known and has been the subject of Israeli exposés in the mass media). Therefore, the allegation seems plausible to me and deserving of investigation.

In contradistinction to Dimona, my own home town, Tzfat, also a small, peripheral town beset by serious economic troubles, in which Regional Child Welfare Officer Paulette Elimelekh works, is, I am happy to report, actually home to one of the "cleaner" Social Services offices and there are some community-based programs for children who need them in Tzfat, thus allowing many children who would otherwise be removed from their homes to remain at home. More such services and programs should be provided all over the country.

There is no recourse but a comprehensive United Nations investigation into these matters. Much of the groundwork has been done for you.

1) The information appears in the above-mentioned Reports carried out at the behest of the Israeli government.
2) Member of Knesset, Dr. Marina Solodkin has spoken numerous times publicly about gross malpractice on the part of the Child Welfare Officers.
3) Many professionals who have generated numerous Reports have testified to these outrages publicly and to the Knesset.
4) Many Complaints that have been lodged by the public, the victims of the inhuman abuses of children and their families by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health, the latter of which is quick to prescribe revenue-generating "psychotherapy" and psychotropic drug "therapy" (should still) exist.

An Investigation of the scope of the money being generated by these Crimes Against the Most Vulnerable Among Humanity on the part of the Israeli Ministries of Social Affairs and Social Services, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and the Juvenile Court system must be undertaken by the UN and appropriate sanctions applied as disincentive.

Any and all persons, regardless of position, rank, influence, economic standing or any other characteristic or title found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, particularly against children must be tried for these Crimes – preferably in an International Court, where they cannot use their personal influence and connections to escape justice as would most likely happen if the trials were held within Israel's borders.

The world is watching, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Pillay. We hope our faith in the justice of the United Nations can be fully restored. This is an opportunity for the UN to demonstrate to the world that the New World Order it wishes to usher in and an International Court, are a boon to Humanity and herald the beginning of a new era of freedom, welfare, prosperity and justice, and not, as many all over the world fear, the beginning of another dark age, distinguished only from the dark ages gone by in the fact that it will be higher tech and more efficient.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan

Within minutes, I received this in regard to Complaint 4:

"Dear Mrs Dotan,

After careful consideration of the content of your petition (communication/complaint), we sincerely regret having to inform you that the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is not in a position to assist you in the matter you raise, as Israel is not a State Party to the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Please accept our apologies for not replying in a more personal manner. You may understand that, while we appreciate your reasons for writing to us, the existing procedures require that it is ascertained whether certain preliminary criteria are satisfied before proceeding with the examination of a petition.

For information about the procedures for the examination of individual petitions on human rights violations, please consult our website:, (direct link If you have difficulty accessing our website, please write to the OHCHR, Information Office PW-RS-011, 1211 Geneva 10, and ask for Human Rights Fact Sheets Nos. 7, 12, 15 and 17.

Yours Sincerely

The Petitions Unit"

That link didn't work for me.

I wrote in response:

Dear Representative of the UN Petitions Unit:
Does the response below relate only to my Report and Complaint of RACIAL DISCRIMINATION Including Against Minor Citizen Children on the Part of the State of Israel?
Or, does it also relate to my Reports, Complaints and Petitions concerning violations on the part of the Israeli government in matters of of the Rights of the Child and Torture?

Israel *is* a signatory to the Pact for the Rights of the Child since 1991.

Thank you sincerely for your concern,

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Within a couple of minutes, I received this:

"Dear Mrs Dotan,

This answer relates to your three petitions as Israel isn't a Party to any of the individual petitions mechanisms.

Yours Sincerely

Petitions Unit"

I wrote them this:

How weak and pathetic the UN is!

You can say "No" to doing justice in minutes.

But you cannot DO justice. You cannot make peace. You cannot save a child.

All of your armies, your technology, your organization – and you are nothing.

You hold only the power of death of the body in your hands.

But you know nothing of the Life of the Spirit.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat


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