Thursday, July 23, 2009

Israel is Not a State - It is a Human Experimentation Laboratory

Can't people see the truth of the story of the Mother in Me'ah She'arim who is accused of MSBP and starving her child. Can't they see it's an experiment gone wrong and she is being accused of the horrific outcomes?

Since the German-trained psychiatrists who arrived in this country during the 20s, Palestine, then Israel, has been nothing but one large field laboratory for human experimentation. Read the historian Rakefet Zalaskhik's work.
I am convinced that Mengele himself worked in Palestine, now Israel.There was a Dr. Mendes who trafficked in and experimented on Yemenite children and pregnant women. One Yemenite pregnant woman, in her 8th month, was literally cut to pieces and her eyes gouged out, as her horrified family were overcome by the police so that they couldn't answer her screams for help. They then took the baby out of her womb.
It is known that Mengele used Spanish names after he escaped to Argentina.
Himmler himself arrived in Palestine to train people here.
Fluoridation of water is *mandated* in Israel in every settlement over 5000.
The Nazis first used NaF in the water supplies of concentration camps to make the population docile - and sterile.

When are the Israeli people going to wake up???

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

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