Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Truth About Untruth in Religion

It is intentional that religions are not pure truth and goodness.

No one should expect religion to be nothing but truth.

The truth is mixed with dross in every religion. It is a test that God puts us to.

To imagine that religion should give us pure revealed truth without effort on our part is as foolish as it is lazy.

Religion is a testing and training ground that separates the pure from the impure of heart. It is the boot camp wherein those who are destined to "graduate" to higher levels of training and become warriors for God and are separated from those who can't pass muster.

Those with a pure heart chose the truth in religion.

Those who are impure choose the dross and are led the way of delusion within their religion.

Fools and cowards believe and observe all of their religion, truth and falsehood alike, without discernment.

The weakest of spirit give up entirely and, blaming religion for not fulfilling their infantile desires, feel justified by their disappointment with religion in turning their backs on God entirely and indulging their whims and wallowing in materialism.


    אין סוף הוא מסרת האבות והאמהות