Monday, August 25, 2008

Russia vs. the US? Don't You Believe It.

I heartily suggest the readers to watch this incredible video:

Rare year 1982 video with G. Edward Griffin & Norman Dodds

Part 1:

Dodds reveals that the US and USSR were working hand in hand all along during the Cold War.

Dodds' research assistant committed suicide when she learned the truth. Poor young, loyal American thing was so brainwashed, she believed every word of the propaganda she was being fed.

In imagining that the US and Russia are on opposite sides, those falling for this most recent episode in the decades-long America-Russia PsyOp are making the same mistake that our American Grandparent and Parents made during the Cold War.
The only two sides here is World Gov't against We the "Useless Eaters".

Want proof that the US and Russia are bedfellows?

Over the last 20 years one million Russians were brought to Israel. At least half of them, and some say as many as 2/3, aren't Jewish and feel no loyalty whatsoever to either Israel or the Jews. They retain Russian citizenship. They travel back and forth between Israel and Russia and Ukraine and wherever else from the former USSR they came from freely. And a good number of them have left Israel after using their 5-year New Immigrant Benefits Package to settle in the US.

The first wave of Russian immigration, twenty years ago, brought half a million Russians here in a flood - into a country whose population all told at the time was 5.5 million.

I remember feeling very bewildered, and often exasperated, dealing with Israeli bureaucracy as a new immigrant. When they first arrived here, they sliced through the Israeli quasi-Bolshevik political system liked greased lightening. It's a no-brainer understanding why that is. They made their way through the morass and labyrinths of diverticula in ballet shoes.

Within five years they, except for the many old people (who were brought here to exert a drag on the economy by receiving retirement benefits in addition to welfare and the New Immigrants Benefits package), all the Russian immigrants were all employed - doctors, including psychiatrists and neurologists; scientists of all kinds and engineers filled every nook and cranny of the health system of Israel, the military-industrial complex, as well as the civil service and, of course, the army.

How they were all housed virtually immediately and employed in their fields of expertise within 5 years remains a mystery.

Upon their arrival, the entire atmosphere of Israel changed. We just don't speak as freely in public places as we once did.

On my floor of the building there are four apartments. We are the only Israeli family. I think twice about speaking about political matters with the door open. I never used to before they came.

The once open, warm, friendly atmosphere of Israel is not what it was. Before talking politics in public Israelis now glance around to see if there are any Russians. In fact, many Israelis glance around when they discuss just about anything to see if there are any Russians.

Young Israeli men do not want to marry their women, many of whom wear more make up than clothes, and Israeli women less so their men because they drink so.

So, they take up with Arabs, hostile Arabs in the main, in large numbers. Israelis may with their tax Shekels for the support, and anti-Israeli education, of thousands and thousands of single Russian mothers and their half-Arab children.

They're all installed, all awaiting instructions. It dwarfs Project Paperclip. Imagine a country of 5.5 million people absorbing one million Russians, most of whom do not so much as make the pretense of caring about this country.

They speak in Russian among themselves. They arrange concerts for themselves, the notices are only in Russian. Every municipality has a Russian representative who sees to it that they get preferential treatment. They treat us with disdain in the public and private sectors.

They voted Arik Sharon in bloc. Arik Sharon would never have become PM without their massive support. He bought them with a few Russian phrases he picked up at home as a kid and a promise to handle politics as only a megalomaniacal general knows how to. They lapped it up and swept him into office.

I once had a Russian boy of about ten approach me in Russian. I answered him in Hebrew that Hebrew is the language of this land. He switched into perfect, accentless Hebrew and said: "I was told that all the white people here are Russians."

I once had a young, attractive Russian female physician start to question me about a senior physician I had worked with on a research project. I had an interesting time not giving her information but letting the questioning flow to see where she was going with it. She wanted to know if he was married, for instance. He is, in a classical, monogamous relationship. So is she. So what? Getting ahead on your back is just the way it is in Russia.

Would the US have allowed this flooding of Israel with morally degraded, alcoholic, highly-trained Russian professionals from the former USSR were they not in cahoots with them? Would they have allowed this virtual invasion of their most trusted and subservient suzerainty if it was not part of their plan?

Those who create conflicts think multilaterally. So must we if we are to understand their plans for world-wide Corporate Fascism and thwart them.


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