Wednesday, April 30, 2008

On the Tzfat Yahoo! List Someone Asked Me:

Could you be more specific?
Who is THEY? And what are the Falsehoods you keep referring to?
What is an example of mind control?
If you do not want to answer here, I would appreciate to my email.
I feel that I am reading something in code. You make accusations, and inferences.
Perhaps you are right, or wrong. Just would like to know what you are referring to."

I answered:

I have been very specific. I have named names of rabbis I consider having taken Judaism off course. A thorough list would be impossible because the most prominent of those rabbis set the tone that generations followed after them. Many unwittingly confused the Jewish People because they did not know that their teacher was dishonest. I have named books that are damaging. I have told how they are damaging.

Please reread my posts.

I understand that your consciousness won't get what I'm saying the first time you read it.

A lot of blood, money and ink has been, and is being, spilt taking Jews off course and making them as impervious as they are to the truth as they are.

I don't expect to counter thousands of years of corruption of our Tradition alone.

If you read the Prophets you will see that they warned against most of the forms of avodah zara that are practiced today and they taught the right way to set the heart in order to understand Torah.

Each of the Prophets lives eternally in their words and the Source of their words is HaShem. If you turn to those Books with an open mind and a pure heart, the words will be made clear to you in the way best designed for your psyche.

Use the common sense that HaShem gave you. Is it common-sensical, not to mention is it moral, for money to be poured into the renovation of graves, when the living are not sufficiently housed?

Have you read about anyone in TaNa"KH who cut their fingernails in a certain order?

Who in Torah had images of their Teachers all over their houses, schools, places of prayer, in their Sukkot, in restaurants, in their places of business....?

Is there a teaching anywhere in Torah that advises one to read without comprehending?

Is there one figure in Torah who sent his pregnant wife to beg in the streets and let his children go undernourished so that he could go to a festival in a graveyard in an anti-Semitic country for Rosh HaShanah?

Is there one figure in Torah that gave out dollar bills (or the cultural equivalent) as a momento of having been in his presence?

Do the Prophets give out little flasks of vodka (or the cultural equivalent) after they meet? Do their students then pour one drop at a time into whole bottles of vodka and convince themselves that they aren't doing it to get drunk, but to be in their Teacher's presence? Is there one figure in Torah who would have tolerated such goings on?

Is there one figure in Torah who would have preferred to live in Brooklyn rather than in the Holy Land?

Is Prozbul prescribed in Torah?

Heter mekhirah?

Heter ribit?

Does Torah talk about evil spirits under the bed?

Is there a Prophet that consults astrological configurations?

Is there a Prophet who advises women to place a ruby BaMakom?


    אין סוף הוא מסרת האבות והאמהות