Tuesday, September 07, 2004


And Because of Jews Like This :0(

The coward who hides behind the name "carin" wrote the following on: 00:50 7 Sep 2004 under the General Discussions topic of the Forum of www.safed.co.il (it has since been deleted by the webmaster, but I copied it before it was deleted):

The G-d of Israel demands not just that we love, but also that we hate, which is also a mitzvah:

"Those who hate You O L-rd, I hatewith a perfect hatred; I count them as my enemies" (Tehillim 139) -"including those who hate the Sages" (Rashi).

G-d is not all compassion and chessed, and where necessary He expects us to emulate Him in vengeance, expelling enemies, and ruthless genocide of men, women and children, Jews and non-Jews eg"L-rd G-d of Vengeance blaze forth""

The L-rd will empty the Earth & make it waste".

"Destroy utterly Amolek"

"Leave none alive"

"Exterminate utterly the wayward city"

"Execute the stubborn and rebellious son"

"Execute the rebellious elder"

"Both adulterers shall be led out to die".

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".

"Man who lies with a man shall be put to death"

"An eye for an eye".etc etc etc

Actually, the Pharisees were more merciful & loving than theApocalypse-End of Mankind-yearning Essenes (see the Essenes' bloodthirsty "Scroll of War").The Pharisees kept the Sinaitic Oral Law which mitigated much eg In the Oral Law "an eye for an eye" meaning monetary recompense. Unlike the Essenes who like the Saducees did not keep the Oral Law and took it literally, gouging out people's eyes!

The person above is obviously very disturbed and very Tzfat.

As a point of information I refer the reader to the Dead Sea Scroll 4Q251 (4QHalakhah A) Fragment 8 to see how the Essenes understood "an eye for an eye". You will see that not only did they understand it as monetary recompense for freemen, they extended the ruling to slaves who were wounded by their masters.

May the God of Israel have mercy on us this coming New Year and usher out the era of Pharisaic/Rabbinic Judaism and usher in the never-ending era of the renewal of the Judaism of HaYachad, the Dead Sea Sect.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat

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