Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ilan Shohat: Rahm Emmanuel Wannabe

In this video I explain why I received threats of hospitalization in a psychiatric facility first from Jackie Malul and then from the Mayor of Tzfat, Ilan Shohat.


This can happen to any activist in Israel!

ALSO: The Rivka Ziv Hospital is (or was if they shut it up) the subject of a 30 Million Shekel Law Suit for Experiments on Humans in contravention of Int'l norms and guidelines.

The situation is evidently quite serious.

I received the following message from the Mayor of Tzfat, Ilan Shohat in response to reporting to him that the traffic operator Jackie Malul threatened to turn to the Psychiatrist on Duty and see if he could have me institutionalized.

Ilan Shohat responded

דורין שלום ..אין ספק שאם ישאלו את דעתי עלייך אצטרך לומר את האמת ולמען האמת כבר כמה גורמיים רוצים להיפגש בנושא שלך...אשמח שכמה שיותר יתערבו במיוחד מארצות הברית ומהתקשורת כדי שנוכל לסייע לך כמה שיותר..חג שמח ורפואה שלמה.

Doreen Shalom,

There is no doubt that if my opinion about you is consulted I will have to tell the truth. The truth is a number of bodies want to meet concerning you...I'll be happy to have as many people as possible involved from the United States and from the press so that we can help you as much as possible. Happy Holiday and may you have a complete recovery.

So far Ilan Shohat, Mayor of Tzfat has:

Reported the Head of the Opposition in the Tzfat Municipality on trumped up charges.

Complained to the police that a demonstrator who blew a whistle in front of the Municipality building assaulted him and had him put on house arrest. A video of the incident shows no violence whatsoever on the demonstrator's part.

Threatened a man who worked in the petting zoo who video-tape reported that animals were dying of neglect and cold and also threatened his family.

Threatened the local paper "Chadash B'Galil" with a lawsuit because he didn't like an article that the printed.

Threatened me with psychiatric hospitalization

Threatened a well-established restaurant with closing it because they support the local newspaper Chadash B'Galil

Ilan Shohat is a man out of control who is spreading terror because he is in a job that is a good few sizes too big on him.

Ilan Shohat has shown repeated political disloyalty to the various political parties that he has joined.

He would be a liability to any organization that he was a part of.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat

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