Sunday, September 16, 2007


I'm serious!

This was posted in Message #6093 on the Tzfat Yahoo! site:

"Doreen for Mayor of Safed!

Having seen young mayoral candidate Ilan Shochat at his public toast last week, he has to be an improvement on the incumbent.But, with no denigration intended, "a sefard is a sefard is a sefard!".What is needed is a non-sefardi mayor. And I don't necessarily mean "ashkenazi", as most ashkenazi sabras have also been "sefardified".It needs someone who was born outside of Israel, but who knows the foibles of the Israeli mentality, without succumbing to them.I nominate Doreen!She has the IQ, memory, zeal, keeness, Judaic knowledge, has a sense of history and destiny, good ideas, knows perfect Hebrew and English, genuinely cares for Safed and its inhabitants, is incorruptible, hasthe right presence, personality and physiognomy, would get the women's vote, and is the right age.I think she'd make a good mayor, or at least stand for the Moatza, inNovember 2008."
I declined the offer, of course, that for two reasons. First, I am a Sephardia Tehora (pure Sephardic, as opposed to Mizrahi, Jew). Second, and much more to the point; I am a decent person and no decent person ever succeeded at being a politican. The wise ones did not so much as try.

It is a nice vote of confidence and compliment, though.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

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