Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Reason to Live in Tzfat - Probably the Best

Someone wrote the following to me on another board: "Let me know if you ever get off your duff in the periphery, and come down to the center of the country to actually DO something constructive regarding the things you write about."

I answered:

The revolution that I am starting, and of late reverberations of which are reaching me, is centered in Tzfat, not in the center of the country. Just today, the following magnificent quote was sent to me by someone who participates in a Tzfat list "May God veil you from the exterior of the religious law, and may he reveal to you the reality of infidelity. For the exterior of the religious law is a hidden idolatry, while the reality of infidelity is a manifest gnosis."

That quote is astounding coming from someone who is Orthodox.

It is here in Tzfat that religious sentiment runs high. It is here in Tzfat that the religious fervor, which should be being directed into creating a just society but is being intercepted and channeled for their own purposes by nefarious interests is to be found. It has been that way for 500 years. What happens in Tzfat religiously sets the tone for what happens in the Jewish world at large. Religion is big business.

I'm undermining their clientele.

Too many of the people in the center of the country are like you - Jewish ignoramuses who are so mired in the material that they cannot dredge themselves out of the mire. That is not material to work with to bring about a moral-spiritual revolution.

Like you, they are servomechanisms too inured to be able to appreciate the beauty and absolute necessity of being dedicated to righteousness and justice - for all. Like you, it is enough to just have cushy conditions for them and theirs.

Like you, the highest value they are capable of cherishing is working like an army of ants.

I am gearing my efforts toward those who become religious for many of the right reasons and are led down the path to perdition by unscrupulous, charasmatic "rabbis" whose job it is to deflect those precious Souls from finding the starting and jumping off point of Judaism, which is, and always has been radical social transformation.

Proudon, who was also from the "periphery" (the County of Burgundy), was urged to emigrate to America by a friend who feared for his life in France. He answered: "It is here, I tell you, here under the sabre of Napoleon, under the rod of the Jesuits and the spy-glass of the secret service, that we have to work for the emancipation of mankind. There is no sky more prpitious for us, no earth form fruitful."

Proudhon considered himself a failure toward the end of his life. He was not able to launch the revolution he envisionsed. History, however, recalls him as the father of Anarchy and his works are de rigueur for every student of Socialsim and Socialist economics. Marx, whom he dubbed "the tapeworm of Socialism", pleaded with him to collaborate. He refused.

Proudhon did succeed, though he did not live to eat the fruit of his success. No longer are the French under the sabres of dictators. No longer are they under the rod of the Jesuits. No longer are they under the spy-glass of the secret service.

I do not do what I do for the sake of making a name for myself in posterity. But I can tell you that my chances of my efforts being remembered in history are far greater than any in your army of servomechanisms.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

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