Sunday, November 12, 2006

Reasons Not to Live in Tzfat? How about the fact that the ultra-Orthodox in the town (they are a large percent of the population) think they have the right to decide who should live and who should die?

See: Yahoo! Groups Tzfat

Message 3325: "No pervert demonstration should ever be allowed in Israel.This sort of demonstration can lose us the country.The Torah recommends the death penalty for chutzpah of this sort-and quite rightly.Perverts should be ashamed of their perversion and keep it out of the public eye."

Message 3326: "Amein. And homosexuality is in fact a perversion. No one can argue that. What? In today’s world perversion is ok? Well DUH! LOL Perversion has always been around. Individuals are destroyed by it, just as they always were. Families are destroyed by it, just as they are today. In fact, entire cities were destroyed because of it."


Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat (Safed), Israel

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