Thursday, July 29, 2004



I don't know how long this will continue to be posted where it was put on:

you will find a number of critical essays and satires that Doreen wrote about Tzfat in Hebrew. Search דורין דותן where it says שם יוצר.Those who want proofs of Doreen's contentions regarding Tzfat have to do no more than read the local papers.It is not for naught that journalists were interested in doing a national expose on this town, davka.
Make it a special point to speak to Yoram Omer, the Editor in Chief of HaZ'man.  The powers that be in town tried to close down his paper because he dared to tell the truth in exposes.
Plonit: Do consult with your dictionary before posting. Among the other, less serious but nonetheless embarrassing errors in your post, is your use of the words "dialect" and "expository", both of which are wholly non sequitur in their respective contexts. The terms you are clumsily grappling for are diatribe and inflammatory. Peoples' ability to discern meanings in words speaks volumes about their ability to discern moral distinctions. The two cognitive abilities derive from the same provenance.
Simply put: What the powerful in Tzfat are doing to the residents of the town is wrong, not Doreen's letting it be publically known. The people suffering the most are those who are the least able to defend themselves or reach the outside world with their plight. One of the most spiritually/morally excrutiatingly painful phenomena in this town is the fact that the religious who live here and those who identify with the town have their moral priorities bass ackwards.Another is the fact that the efforts of the best-intentioned are  thwarted by intimidation and economic sanction.Still another is the fact that the town is not poor incidentally, but rather as the result of heartlessness and foolishness on the part of those who are in control and spinelessness on the part of the residents who are afraid to go to bat for others - a basic Jewish injuction.
Almonit, this town will break your heart. No matter what you have been through before, this town will break your heart, because this is supposed to be a center of Torah. What "spirituality" do you imagine there is in a town in which widows and orphans who live in the slums and and have had their water and electricity turned off for lack of payment in winter because the National Insurance payment was cut for single parents by 1/3, are the *despised* objects of derision and butt of cruel jokes in the Old City where people live in the lap of luxury and imagine themselves to be "spiritual", "beautiful" people, somehow superior to the people in "those neighborhoods" and hate someone like Doreen Dotan who lives in the slums with those who have been systematically *povertized* by the rich and powerful in Tzfat and who tells the nitty gritty truth about this town?

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