Thursday, July 09, 2009

Does California Look Like Israel Now?

Yechezkel Emmanuel is Rahm Emmanuel's brother.

Look at what the US gov't has done to California.

Does this look familiar?

There is a drought here in Israel so bad in Israel that water rationing bills were just passed.

I have photos of chemtrails. Whenever the sky would fill up with rain clouds, nothing happened - no rain came. There is a plan to depopulate the Earth. We have known about it for years, have been tracking it for years. We have been warning the world about it for years. The plan is to reduce the Earth's population to half a billion people. It's now begun in force.

Georgia Guidestones
Codex Alimentarius

Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

A Canadian physician has just come out in full defense of her Claim.

Codex Alimentarius 1of4 DUE 31ST DECEMBER 2009 NWO Depopulation Plan – by Dr. Rina Labow, wife of US Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III

This is for real. This is not a hoax. Understand that government look at us as nothing more than herds. And as farmers cull their herds to bring up their value, so humans are culled: wars, famine – and now bio-terrorism.

Please get this message out to as many Israelis as you can:
WAKE UP! This is not "conspiracy theory". This is scientific and business fact. Charges have been filed." The simple fact is: Our governments see as as nothing but livestock. Farmers cull their herds to push the price of them up. Humans too are culled by Corporate Fascist Governments through war, famine - now bioterrorism.

You have been been told the truth about the flu shot. If you choose to take a flu shot, you do so at your own risk.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

    The Stakes Have Never Been Higher