Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Israel is a Mistake

Please see: http://tinyurl.com/fzam4

To contact the author of "Hunkering Down with History": cohenr@washpost.com
Thank you for this article, Mr. Cohen.

It is the best summation of the situation that I've seen written and articulates my every thought on the matter.

As I have said to my husband: Two outrages were perpetrated upon us during the 20th Century - first the Holocaust and then the establishment of the State of Israel.

We were between a rock and a hard place and we had no choice but to found a state, but it is a tragedy.

Once the State of Israel was established we were forced to engage in realpolitik and statecraft.

For the first time in 2000 years we were made into warriors. There is no estimating the moral and psychic damage that did to a people who were formerly scholars and peasants.

We should be working toward a condition in which there are no states and no need for states.
If the Jewish People are assured that we can be free to live as we choose, in all our diversity, in peace and undisturbed by any; there will be no need for a Jewish state. It is a far healthier and enriching experience that we should live among the other Peoples of the world.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat (Safed), Israel
July 18, 2006

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